testexecute [options] [<script-file>]


-h (--help) bool

Display help.

-d (--debug) bool

Used to put the system into debug mode. This means that the PAUSE command pauses the script engine until the user hits a key.

-i (--include) string

(testexecute.exe's equivalent option is called -tci. For compatability this is also allowed here.)

Used to specify the test cases to be included during execution. The option is followed by a list of test case IDs to be included or excluded. You can specify the test case IDs in three different ways as follows:

You can specify the test case IDs using all the three different ways listed above. For example, in the following testexecute command, the test cases list is a combination of comma-separated test case IDs, test case ID range and a .tcs file containing IDs of the test cases to be included during execution:

    c:\>testexecute c:\tefintegrationtest\TEFIntegrationTest-regular.script -tci TEST-001,TEST-002,TEST-008:TEST-015,some.tcs
-t (--ignore) bool

For compatibility with testeexecute.exe, so you can specify includes with -tci, which is a syntax fshell doesn't normally accept. Has no effect.

-c (--ignore2) bool

For compatibility with testeexecute.exe, so you can specify includes with -tci, which is a syntax fshell doesn't normally accept. Has no effect.

-x (--exclude) string

Used to specify the test cases to be excluded during execution. Takes same syntax as --include.



The TEF script to execute. If not specified, the command replaces the TEF log server and waits forever for any logs to be written, and prints them to the console when they occur. [filename]


Fshell wrapper for testexecute.exe.

An fshell exe that wraps up a Test Execute script run and redirects its log output to the fshell console.

Important note: Older versions of Test Execute do not support the -tci and -txi options. Therefore, --include and --exclude may have no effect.


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