hash [options]
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The name of the file whose data is to be hashed. If not specified, data is read from STDIN.
The name of the file to write the hash to. If not specified, the hash is ASCII / hex dumped to STDOUT.
[SHA1, MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512]
Calculate cryptographic hashes.
Given some input data, caculates a corresponding number using one of several supported hashing algorithms. Hashing algorithms are designed to have a high likelihood of producing a significantly different number for even small differences in input data. As such, they are useful gaining a degree of certainly about whether a particular data set has changed without having to store the whole data set.
Reads data to be hashed either from a file or from STDIN. Writes the corresponding hash either to a file or to STDOUT. Supports a variety of different hashing algorithms.
Defaults to using the SHA1 algorithm if the '-a' option is not specified. This means that to create an hash file of an executable file stored on removable media (such that F32 will allow it to be loaded), run:
hash -i <executable_file_name> -o c:\sys\hash\<executable_file_name>
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