genbmp [options] <file_name> <text> ...


-h (--help) bool

Display help.

-f (--foreground-color) uint

The color (in 32 bit RGB format) to render the text in. Defaults to white (0xffffff).

-b (--background-color) uint

The color (in 32 bit RGB format) to render the background behind the text in. Defaults to black (0x000000).

-w (--width) int

The width (in pixels) of the bitmap to be created. Defaults to 150.

-H (--height) int

The height (in pixels) of the bitmap to be created. Defaults to 150.

-t (--typeface) string

The name of the typeface to render the text with. Defaults to 'Arial'.

-m (--max-font-height) int

The maximum height of the font to use in pixels. Defaults to 15.

-g (--gap) int

The gap (in pixels) between the text and the bitmap edge and also between each line of text. Defaults to 10.



The name of the bitmap file generate. [filename]


The text to be rendered into the bitmap. For multiple lines, enclose the text for each line in quotes. Can be specified more than once. [string(s)]


Generates simple bitmap files that contain text.


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