find [options] [<search-base>]


-h (--help) bool

Display help.

-n (--name) string

Include files whose name (excluding path) matches the given pattern (according to TDesC::MatchF).

-p (--path) string

Search for files whose path (including filename) matches the given pattern (according to TDesC::MatchF). If the path starts with a wildcarded drive (ie "?:\") then all drives are searched in standard search order (Y: through A: then Z:), and the search-base argument is ignored. Wildcards are only allowed in the drive letter and in the name (if given). Specifying a name on the end of the path is equivalent to using the --name option.

Currently paths starting "?:\" are the only ones supported; any other --path argument will be ignored.

-1 (--one) bool

Print only the first match, without terminating newline. Useful in scripts for piping to export -s.



The directory to base the search in. Defaults to . if not specified. [filename]


Search for files.

Searches the file system for files or directories matching the given conditions. For example...

  find . --name *.ini find all files in the current directory (including subdirectories) whose names end with .ini. The results are printed to stdout.

  find --one --path ?:\sys\bin\fshell.exe find the path to fshell.exe


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