FShell Commands

A list of all the built-in and external commands that fshell currently supports.

activeview - Track changes to the currently active view.

attrib - Change file system attributes.

backup - Put the handset into backup mode.

base64 - Encode to or decode from Base64.

bg - Run a job in the background.

break - Exits a while loop early.

btrace - Configures and fetches data from the btrace buffer.

btraceout - Create btrace output either from command-line arguments, or optionally from data read from stdin.

btservices - Discovers services available on Bluetooth enabled devices in the vicinity.

cat - Concatenate the specified files and write their contents to stdout.

cd - Change the current working directory.

cenrep - Get and set Central Repository keys.

chkdeps - Checks the DLL dependancies of a DLL or EXE.

chkdrift - A tool for checking the drift of the nano-kernel and fast counter tick count.

chunkinfo - Print information about memory chunks.

ciftest - Run fshell command smoke tests.

clear - Clear the console screen.

clipboard - Copies text to or from the clipboard.

cloggerconfig - Gets and sets the configuration of the Clogger server.

compare - Compare the contents of a pair of files.

console - Displays the name (and optionally other details) of the console implementation that fshell is attached to.

continue - Continues a while loop.

cp - Copy one or more files or folders.

date - Displays or sets the current time and date.

debug - Run the specified fshell script under a simple debugger.

debugport - Sets the debug port. If the port is not specified, displays the current setting.

dialog - Displays a UI dialog.

disown - Disown a pending fshell job.

driver - Loads, frees or list currently loaded device drivers.

drvinfo - Display information about the currently available drives.

dump - Write a hex and ASCII representation of the contents of a file to stdout.

e32header - Dumps the contents of an E32 image file's header in human readable plain text.

echo - Print a text string to stdout.

ecom - Query available ECOM plugins and test loading them.

else - Part of an if-else-endif block.

endif - Ends an if statement.

endwhile - Ends a while loop.

env - Display the current values of all environment variables.

error - Exits with the given error. Useful in scripts.

exists - Tests if a particular file or directory exists.

exit - Exit fshell.

export - Define a new environment variable or change the value of an existing one.

fcalendar - Queries the calendar database.

fcontacts - Queries the contacts database.

fdb - A run-mode debugger for Symbian OS.

fed - Console text editor.

ffstrace - Control file system tracing.

fg - Bring a background job into the foreground.

find - Search for files.

focus - Display information about the focused window group.

foreach - Execute a script for each file in a specified directory.

fsck - Checks the integrity of a file system.

fshell - A UNIX-like shell for Symbian OS.

fuser - Lists the threads that are currently holding handles to a particular file.

fzip - Compress and decompress files.

genbmp - Generates simple bitmap files that contain text.

getstack - Dumps the specified thread's stack to a file.

glinfo - Display information about the currently installed graphics libraries.

gobble - A tool for purposefully wasting disk space.

grabscreen - Creates a bitmap file of the current contents of the screen.

grep - Unix-style grep with full Regular Expression support.

hal - Set, get and list available Hardware Abstraction Layer attributes.

hash - Calculate cryptographic hashes.

heaptrace - Enables tracing for the given thread's heap.

hello - Classic Hello World! example.

help - List the available commands.

iap - Retrieves IAP records from the Comms Database.

icc - Retrieve various pieces of information from the handset's ICC (SIM card).

if - Support for conditional execution in fshell scripts.

infoprint - Display an informational message.

iniedit - Manipulate (fshell format) INI configuration files.

input - Simulate user input events.

ioinfo - Provides information on IO objects within the IO server.

jit - Controls and shows the emulator's Just In Time debug setting.

jobs - List the currently running or stopped jobs.

kerninfo - Displays lists of useful things, such as processes, threads, feature registry settings, and the like.

kill - Kill, terminate or panic one or more processes or threads.

lbs - Retrieve location information.

leak - A tool for purposefully wasting memory.

listapps - Displays details about the currently running applications.

load - Dynamically load a DLL.

localdrive - Manipulate local drives using RLocalDrive.

ls - List the contents of a directory.

match - Print to stdout any lines of stdin that match a particular pattern.

meminfo - Display information about memory usage.

memsampler - Gather statistics about memory usage.

mkdir - Create a new directory.

more - Write a file or stdin a screen-full at a time to stdout.

muxserver - Create a multiplexed connection for use by the muxcons PC tool.

mv - Rename one or more files.

nitz - Fetch and display Network Information and Time Zone (NITZ) data.

objinfo - Display information about kernel objects.

opendoc - Opens the specified document file by launching a suitable application.

ost - Tool for using and debugging with OST connections.

paste - Pastes the text into the foreground application.

patchdata - Examine the patchable data for a DLL.

pcons - Manipulates persistent console objects.

ping - Tests whether a network host is reachable.

play - Plays an audio file using the Symbian OS Multi-Media Framework.

pointer - Inject pointer events.

ps - List information relating to the currently running processes and threads.

pubsub - Get and set Publish and Subscribe (P&S) keys.

qpluginloader - Test loading a plugin using QPluginLoader.

ramdefrag - Initiates RAM defragmentation.

rcomm - Get info about supported serial channels, or read / write to them.

rconn - Enumerate and control network connections.

rdebug - Write a debug trace.

readmem - Read a section of memory to a file (or hex / ASCII dump it to stdout).

reattach - Attach an existing job to a different set of I/O end points.

reboot - Reboot the device, using Kern::Restart().

repeat - Execute a command-line multiple times.

request - Request a remote file from the console.

restore - Put the handset into restore mode.

rez - Reads text out of resource files.

rm - Remove one or more files.

rmdir - Remove a directory.

rom - Displays information from the handset's ROM header.

rsocket - Send and receive data via Symbian's RSocket API.

screenmode - Reports or changes the current Window Server screen mode.

setcritical - Sets the User::TCritcal attribute of a thread.

setpriority - Set the priority of a thread or process.

showdebug - Redirects RDebug::Print to the console.

shutapp - Requests the shutdown of one or more applications.

sleep - Pause for a specified number of seconds.

sms - Send or receive text messages.

snake - Snake!

sort - Alphabetically sort lines read from stdin and print to stdout.

source - Run the specified script in the context of the current fshell instance.

spinlock - Consumes CPU cycles up to the loading you specify.

sql - An interface to the Symbian SQLite API.

start - Starts the specified process and then completely disowns it.

startup - Manipulate the Dynamic Startup Configuration API.

sudo - Launch an executable with modified capabilities and / or other properties.

svrinfo - Print details of currently running servers.

swi - Console-based application installer/uninstaller.

switchview - Perform a user interface level view switch.

sysinfo - Display hardware specific information.

tail - Print the last portion of the specified file to the console.

tee - Copies stdin to stdout and additionally to a file.

testexecute - Fshell wrapper for testexecute.exe.

tfinfo - Display information about the currently install type faces (fonts).

tickle - Reset's the OS's inactivity timer.

ticks - Print the current tick counts.

time - Report how long it takes to execute a command.

title - Sets the console title.

top - Display CPU usage by thread.

touch - Updates the last-modified date of the specified file to be the current date.

trace - Edit the flags that control kernel and file server tracing.

uidinfo - Displays the name of any exe whose UID3 matches the given value.

undertaker - Prints details of any thread in the system that exits abnormally.

uprofiler - Start or stop the uprofiler-compatible atrace sampler.

uptime - Print the number of microseconds since the handset was booted.

usb - Get info about the state of the USB connection.

var - Perform an operation involving environment variables.

variant - Determines the hardware variant and whether or not that matches the variant specified via the command line.

version - Display the version of this build of fshell.

wget - A non-interactive network retriever.

which - Prints the location of a particular fshell command or exe.

while - Support for conditional loops in fshell scripts.

whoami - Prints the ID of the current fshell process.

wslog - Enables or disables windowserver logging.

xmodem - An implementation of the XMODEM file transfer protocol.

ymodem - An implementation of the YMODEM file transfer protocol.